Practical internships: Pilot project seeks mentoring doctors and returners

Colleagues who have ceased to practice due to a life crisis can suffer feelings of insecurity before returning to their own practice. A practical internship with a mentoring doctor can help them to regain confidence and self-assurance for their responsible work. During an internship lasting several weeks, the doctor works under the supervision of his/her mentor, regaining confidence in his/her ability and identifying any gaps in his/her medical, social and practical skills.
Given the growing scarcity of basic service providers, the advantages of this type of cooperation for mentoring doctors are the possibility of finding a colleague to act as their locum or take over their practice, and of promoting the quality and credentials of the practice. Ideally, mentors have experience as teaching doctors and are experienced, established doctors who are familiar with ReMed's services.
Are you looking for a private practitioner who could offer you a returner internship? Or are you interested in acting as a mentoring doctor to help a colleague return to work? Are you interested or affected? If so, e-mail or telephone 031 359 12 00.

Mentoring means being accompanied by an experienced colleague (outside an institution) during a transitional phase, e.g. when starting or returning to professional life, etc. ReMed can refer a suitable expert. The type, content and funding of the assistance are agreed on between the physician and the expert.



The first step

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